Thursday, July 28, 2016

What American Citizenship Makes Possible by Colin Powell

What American Citizenship Makes Possible

Immigrants come to these shores, learn English and work hard—enriching the U.S. in the process.

Taking the Oath of Allegiance to the U.S., June 20 in Washington, D.C. ENLARGE
Taking the Oath of Allegiance to the U.S., June 20 in Washington, D.C. Photo: AFP/Getty Images
Many years ago, after I had become a four-star general and then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Times of London wrote an article observing that if my parents had sailed to England rather than New York, “the most they could have dreamed of for their son in the military was to become a sergeant in one of the lesser British regiments.”

Only in America could the son of two poor Jamaican immigrants become the first African-American, the youngest person and the first ROTC graduate from a public university to hold those positions, among many other firsts. My parents arrived—one at the Port of Philadelphia, the other at Ellis Island—in search of economic opportunity, but their goal was to become American citizens, because they knew what that made possible.

Immigration is a vital part of our national being because people come here not only to build a better life for themselves and their children, but to become Americans. With access to education and a clear path to citizenship, they routinely become some of the best, most-patriotic Americans you’ll ever know. That’s why I am a strong supporter of immigration-law reform: America stands to benefit from it as much as, if not more than, the immigrants themselves.

Contrary to some common misconceptions, neighborhoods with greater concentrations of immigrants have lower rates of crime and violence than comparable nonimmigrant neighborhoods, according to a 2015 report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Foreign-born men age 18-39 are jailed at one-quarter the rate of native-born American men of the same age.

Today’s immigrants are learning English at the same rate or faster than earlier waves of newcomers, and first-generation arrivals are less likely to die from cardiovascular disease or cancer than native-born people. They experience fewer chronic health conditions, have lower infant-mortality and obesity rates, and have a longer life expectancy.

My parents met and married here and worked in the garment industry, bringing home $50 to $60 a week. They had two children: my sister Marilyn, who became a teacher, and me. I didn’t do as well as the family hoped; I caused a bit of a crisis when I decided to stay in the Army. “Couldn’t he get a job? Why is he still in the Army?”

We were a tightknit family with cousins and aunts and uncles all over the place. But that family network didn’t guarantee success. What did? The New York City public education system.
I’m a public-education kid, from kindergarten through to Morris High School in the South Bronx and, finally, City College of New York. New York University made me an offer, but tuition there was $750 a year. Such a huge sum in 1954! I would never impose that on my parents, so it was CCNY, where back then tuition was free. I got a B.S. in geology and a commission as an Army second lieutenant, and that was that. And it all cost my parents nothing. Zero.

After CCNY, I was lucky to be among the first group of officers commissioned just after the Army was desegregated. I competed against West Pointers, against grads from Harvard and VMI and the Citadel and other top schools. And to my surprise, I discovered I had gotten a pretty good education in the New York City public schools. Not only in geology and the military, but also in wider culture. I had learned a little about music, about Chaucer’s “Canterbury Tales” and theater and things like that. I got a complete education, all through public schools, and it shapes me to this day.

This amazing gift goes back to 1847 when the Free Academy of the City of New York was created with a simple mandate: “Give every child the opportunity for an education.” And who would pay for it? The citizens and taxpayers of New York City and State. They did it and kept at it when the Academy became CCNY in 1866, because they knew that poor immigrants were their children. They were the future.

They still are. Today some 41 million immigrants and 37.1 million U.S.-born children of immigrants live in the U.S. Taken together, the first and second generations are one-quarter of the population. While some countries, like Japan and Russia, worry that population decline threatens their economies, America’s economic future vibrates with promise from immigrants’ energy, creativity and ambition.

Every one of these people deserves the same educational opportunities I had. It wasn’t, and isn’t, charity to immigrants or to the poor. Those early New Yorkers were investing in their own future by making education and citizenship accessible to “every child.” They knew it—and what a future it became!

We still have that model. But today too many politicians seem to think that shortchanging education will somehow help society. It does not. It hurts society. We need people who know that government has no more important function than securing the terrain, which means opening the pathways to the future for everyone, educating them to be consumers, workers, leaders—and citizens.

We are all immigrants, wave after wave over several hundred years. And every wave makes us richer: in cultures, in language and food, in music and dance, in intellectual capacity. We should treasure this immigrant tradition, and we should reform our laws to guarantee it.

In this political season, let us remember the most important task of our government: making Americans. Immigrants—future Americans—make America better every single day.

Gen. Powell was secretary of state (2001-05); chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (1989-93); and national security adviser (1987-89). This is adapted from his comments at a May 25 forum hosted by Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership at City College of New York.

Sunday, June 26, 2016



It is MY life. 
I should not fear for my life in America, or for the lives of my family and friends. Of course, in a free society, where people are not restrained or restricted from public places, there has always existed the chance of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, I should not fear for my life while taking my wife to a movie or to a night spot, or dropping off my child at his school, or attending the church of my choice. I should not fear for my life because of attending Fiesta or India Fest in downtown Winston Salem, or cheering my workmates during a July 4 or an LGBT PRIDE parade.
I am entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Not death, restriction and sorrow.
I clearly understand the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. It states “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” It means we have the right to form a militia, which would be the National Guard. It means the people have the right own a weapon. Adopted in 1790 within the Bill of Rights, the framers of the Constitution could never have foreseen the invention and variety of weapons in the modern era.
I happened to be visiting my 22-year-old daughter in Brooklyn, N.Y., recently. We had just sat down to enjoy breakfast when she mentioned that something terrible had happened in Orlando. I immediately thought of my workmates in that area. I know Orlando receives a massive amount of people from across the globe due to the theme parks and also boasts a large resident African American and Latino population. The 49 dead reflected this same makeup. Each person that perished was the child, brother, sister, grandson, cousin and life partner and friend to someone else.
After Sandy Hook Elementary School, Virginia Tech, Charleston Emanuel AME and the Aurora theater, we have begun to believe that this is the way it is going to be from here on out. The anger and hopelessness that I felt that Sunday morning of Orlando, coupled with fear for the lives of my loved ones, has now been transformed into something I can own: To the families of the Orlando dead, we raise up our voices of compassion and condolences. Hateful rhetoric has consequences for all, not just the targeted. America was conceived as a thought of freedom; a place of ethnic, racial and gender diversity. The haters will not persevere in America because it goes against our fabric of fairness and equality.
The American people have a breaking point on mass murder, and we are there. It is the responsibility of our elected officials to protect our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Now we demand courage from the U.S. House and Senate. The American people will be heard loud and clear in November.

Monday, January 18, 2016

WE all have a Dream deeply rooted in the American Dream. And we will each make that dream a reality for our children, for our neighbors and for our country. Because in America, EVERYTHING is possible for those willing to change the reality of their lives. OUR form of freedom, enshrined in American scripture named the Constitution and its Bill of Rights, has made the United States the greatest multicultural and multilingual superpower nation in the history of mankind. THAT is not an accident and that is NOW. Very driven individuals seek freedom and that is why those people created the greatest nation conceived by the mind of man - "WE THE PEOPLE" invented and have defended the United States of America, not SOME of the people but ALL of the people. "WELCOME ALL TO AMERICA"! LGL